Coalition for Addition Without Subtraction Inc. (CAWS) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit community organization focused on improving the quality of life within our Great City of White Plains.

To start, CAWS is focused on the redevelopment of the Galleria Mall in the heart of downtown White Plains. CAWS has been engaging the good citizens of White Plains to determine what the people of White Plains want to see at the Galleria site. In addition, CAWS has engaged with both the City and the developer regarding the redevelopment of the Galleria Mall.

Beyond the redevelopment of the Galleria Mall, CAWS is focused on:

  1. delivering true affordable housing to White Plains;

  2. ensuring that affordable-local retail does not disappear from White Plains;

  3. advocating for more public open space; and

  4. supporting the proposition that all construction within this great working-class City be performed with local union labor.

    Moreover, CAWS finds itself in the unenviable role of citizen watchdog. As a not-for-profit organization, CAWS does not support or endorse any particular person, candidate, or political party. CAWS is about local community issue advocacy, not local politics. If CAWS makes a statement that can be interpreted as against a particular person, candidate, or political party it is merely accidental and is intended to speak out against an issue that CAWS feels is not right for our Great City of White Plains. Unfortunately, in today’s complex political environment, politicians and political organizations cannot easily be separated from local issues.

Help us make White Plains all it can be by supporting our CAWS.